How Cochlear Implants Work

When you have hearing problems, it can greatly affect your life. It’s hard to imagine not being able to hear what your spouse and kids are saying. Maybe you can’t hear the television without turning it up too loud for others in the room. Hearing aids work fine for most people but what if you could get some type of permanent solution?
Cochlear implants work almost as well as your real hearing but there are certain drawbacks that should be taken into consideration. First of all, what is a cochlear implant? They consist of three components:
A receiver that is surgically placed behind the ear and under your skin. It is connected to the cochlea with a wire and series of electrodes.
An external transmitter that is attached to an internal receiver.
A processor that has a mic to detect and transmit sounds.
The external processor and its microphone pick up the sounds from the wearer’s surroundings then it converts these sounds into electrical impulses that are sent directly to the cochlea. The wearer’s auditory nerve is stimulated with the result being that the wearer has the sensation of hearing the sounds.
This is a much more expensive option than even the best hearing aid. And it does require surgery. It’s a big step and important to speak with family and make sure that this is the right option for you.
If your hearing is not improved much with traditional hearing aids, then this can be a great solution. Some insurance policies will cover part of the procedure, but it is quite expensive and can run upwards of $50,000.
At Bossa Hearing Aids, we’ve designed hearing aids that work well and are budget friendly. We know our Bossa Hearing Aids work and that’s why we offer a full 100-day money-back guarantee. Try our hearing aids without any risk. Read the Bossa Hearing Aids Reviews at and see for yourself.
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